xdeck blog

insights & news for founders

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Künstliche Intelligenz - Risiken und Chancen für Start-Ups by @-yet
xdeck Founder Stories: Insights in Building Leading Tech Companies: Toern
Datenschutz für Start-Ups: Frühzeitig handeln, rechtssicher agieren by @-yet
xdeck Batch #10
xdeck Founder Stories: Insights in Building Leading Tech Companies: Packmatic
Implementing DEI Measures in Startups: 7 Strategic Tips for Genuine Inclusion
9 Batches 9 Learnings
Wearable Success: How Spread Group and xdeck Elevate Startups
xdeck Founder Stories: Insights in Building Leading Tech Companies
Tech Innovation im Fokus: xdeck enthüllt die vielversprechenden Startups von Batch #9
Pooling der vermögensverwaltenden GmbH & Co. KG
Finanzierung technologieorientierter Start-ups
Data Thinking for startups
new partners in 2022
female founders - facts, challenges and solutions
what we can learn from corporate ventures!
how to build and retain your workforce in a startup
b2b sales errors and how to avoid them
expertentalk - rechtsstreitigkeiten im gründerteam
content marketing - the secret sauce of successful b2b sales
Expertentalk zum Thema Markenrecht
how to earn outstanding returns on organizational culture
gain insights into the eco-tech startup scene with climate founders.
what we can learn from female founders
VUCA is the new normal. three lessons in dealing with corona.