Implementing DEI Measures in Startups:

7 Strategic Tips for Genuine Inclusion

Implementing DEI Measures in Startups: 7 Strategic Tips for Genuine Inclusion

In the dynamic world of startups, where innovation thrives on diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering genuine diversity within teams is not just a checkbox to mark but a strategic imperative. However, the journey towards true diversity goes beyond mere tokenism or superficial measures. It is not uncommon to see large companies change their logos to rainbow colors for Pride month, but then fail in the smallest of ways to implement the values that they seem to support.

This article is a collaborative effort between xdeck and Spread Group, reflecting on the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the business world today. Our partnership goes beyond supporting startups on a surface level. Today, we want to increase our support by spotlighting DEI measures. DEI is more than just a corporate buzzword; it’s a fundamental strategy that enhances innovation, creativity, and productivity by fostering an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected. It’s more important than ever to implement DEI initiatives consciously and comprehensively.

In line with our commitment to DEI, Spread Group organizes regular events for International Women's Day, such as this year's Barcamp event aimed at empowering the FLINTA* community through networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. During the summer, they host three workshops focusing on various aspects of Diversity & Inclusion to raise awareness. These workshops cover the basics of Diversity & Inclusion, the use of inclusive language, and unconscious bias training. Looking ahead, Diversity and Inclusion efforts will be implemented at Spread Group with a holistic strategy, which will be developed in 2024/2025.

Creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique insights requires a concerted effort. Many small startups do not have a dedicated DEI director, and DEI is often sidelined in company priorities and plans, yet still desired.

We talked to some of our startups from the xdeck community and are happy to share their learnings. Here are some actionable steps to implement diversity in your startup teams without falling into the trap of superficiality:

1. Build Diverse Teams: Ensure that your teams consist of individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives. This diversity can drive innovation and creativity by bringing a wide range of experiences and viewpoints to problem-solving. Regularly mixing team members for activities such as a "chat-roulette" style coffee break can promote interaction and understanding among diverse colleagues. This can enhance team solidarity and provide opportunities to learn from each other.

2. Adopt a Unified Company Language: Establish a policy where you define a common language that will be used in all meetings and company communications. This practice ensures that no one is excluded due to language barriers and everyone has an equal chance to participate. It promotes transparency and inclusivity, allowing all employees to understand and engage fully with the company's operations and culture.

3. Communicate Support and Tolerance Openly: Actively communicate to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and other marginalized groups. This not only raises awareness within the company but also sends a clear message externally about the company’s values. Positioning the company as a supporter of diversity and inclusion helps build a positive reputation and encourages a culture of openness and acceptance.

4. Create a Respectful and Appreciative Work Environment: Foster a work culture where all employees feel valued and respected. Implement policies and practices that promote mutual respect and appreciation among staff. For example, onboard new employees with comprehensive documents that include company values and guidelines on inclusive language. Conduct annual workshops to discuss and reinforce these values, ensuring they are consistently applied both internally and externally.

5. Engage in Community and Family-Friendly Practices: Participate in and recruit from communities that foster diversity. For example, some founders might be members of groups like “2hearts,” which supports individuals with immigration backgrounds in the tech industry. Additionally, create a family-friendly work environment by offering flexible working hours and remote work options. These practices can help attract and retain a diverse workforce by accommodating various personal and professional needs.

6. Regularly Reflect and Improve DEI Practices: Continuously assess and enhance your DEI initiatives through regular feedback and reflection. Conduct monthly anonymous surveys where employees can share their experiences and suggest improvements. Reflecting on these insights can help identify strengths and areas for growth. Implementing feedback-driven changes shows that the company values employee input and is committed to creating a more inclusive workplace.

7. Be a DEI Role Model: Take an active role in promoting diversity and inclusion, especially in industries or sectors where these values are less prevalent. By leading by example, your company can influence others and drive positive change. Highlight DEI success stories and best practices in your external communications, showcasing how a diverse and inclusive approach can lead to better business outcomes and a more equitable society.

Finally, DEI begins with each team member. These examples show that consciously implementing DEI values is a continuous and integrative process that encompasses all aspects of the company. By fostering a diverse and inclusive culture, startups can not only become more innovative and creative but also more attractive workplaces for talented employees, actively shaping the future.

We thank our startups Vytal, PeopleIX, Sunhat, specter automation and DeepSkill for their valuable input on this article. Their practical examples and tips highlight the importance of consciously integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into each company.
